Outpost-Parakaleo's mission is to offer a safe place to experience solitude, silence, and stillness with the Father.

It’s for this purpose alone that we offer the Tiny Bothy. In the journey to deeper intimacy with the Father, a closer fellowship with Jesus or sensitivity to the Spirit we hope the Tiny Bothy can be a portal on your journey.

Where in the midst of our 'lives' do we find time, even if it's simply moments, to experience anything remotely spiritual and life-giving? Waiting in line for a coffee, or a bus or a phone call, eating a meal...any lull in the noise or motion of the day and what do most of us do? Grab our 'device' and check out the 'idealized self-image' of others or play a game, anything to fill the void. 

Is there a way to shut it all out, to say 'no' to some things but a big 'Yes' to the Father? We believe there is, and we believe that it is not only possible but that it is required for us in order to live the life we are called to live as Christians. 

Our desire is to help you on that journey. Your journey is unlike anyone else's. It's unique. No one can understand it, and yet in the midst of it there is an answer and a way common to all of us. We'd love to help you discover what that is. Next..